When Thumb Sucking Becomes a Problem

When your child sucks their thumb, at some point, it can become a problem. This is a conversation between you and your dentist in Owensboro, KY. Until then, here’s what you need to know.

At What Age Does Thumb Sucking Become a Problem?

It’s natural for babies to suck their thumbs. It’s a mechanism they use to self-soothe. However, if it continues for too long, it could cause extensive, long-lasting damage.

After six months or so, your child’s thumb-sucking should decrease. But that’s not the case with all children. Many children still suck their thumbs well into their preschool age.

If your child’s thumb-sucking continues past the age of four, this could ultimately be a problem.

Severe Consequences of Thumb Sucking

Here are some things that could happen if your child’s thumb-sucking habit continues for too long.

  • Overbite or open bite
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Speech impediments or a lisp
  • Improper growth of the jaw, roof of mouth, and teeth

How to Stop Your Child’s Thumb-Sucking Habit

Try these things to stop your child from sucking their thumb.

  • Use positive reinforcement.
  • Talk with your child about this habit.
  • Distract them with games or activities when they start to suck their thumb.
  • Provide rewards for positive behavior.

If none of these things work (and sometimes they don’t), your dentist can help. Your dentist in Owensboro, KY, can install a dental appliance called a palatal crib that works, without fail, to stop thumb-sucking.

The palatal crib is cemented behind your child’s teeth. It keeps your child’s thumb from touching their gums. This takes away any comfort and soothing effects they would normally get from sucking their thumb.

Looking for an Exceptional Dentist in Owensboro, KY?

Everyone wants what’s best for their child. And so do we. Please Contact Travis Wilson D.M.D., today. This is your opportunity to talk with a dentist about your child’s thumb-sucking issues and what you can do about them.

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