If you desire to enhance your smile, veneers are a great option. Dental veneers are thin coverings our dentist, Dr. Travis Wilson DMD, places over the visible (front) part of your tooth. Veneers look just like natural teeth.
What Are Dental Veneers?
Also referred to as dental porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates, dental veneers are custom-made, wafer-thin shells of tooth-colored materials made for covering your teeth’s front surface to improve your appearance. Dr. Wilson bonds them to the front of your teeth changing their shape, size, color, or length.
Types of Dental Veneers
There are a couple of options for veneers you can choose from. You can sit down with Dr. Wilson to decide which option will be best for your teeth. The two types are:
1) Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are shells our dentist n Owensboro & Beaver Dam, KY., creates for fitting on top of your tooth. This option helps in creating a more natural look after the veneers are placed, and won’t stain as quickly or as easily. They also last longer and the procedure removes less enamel than other dental procedures do.
Dr. Wilson prepares for the shell by removing some of your enamel from the front and sides of your teeth. He’ll create an impression or mold so he can fit the veneers over your teeth as snug as possible. After he creates the veneers, he’ll then:
- Place them
- Make adjustments as needed
- Clean your teeth
- Bond them
2) Composite Resin Veneers
The composite resin veneer option is a tooth-colored filling Dr. Wilson bonds to your teeth. Although this tends to be a less expensive and simpler option, this type of veneer isn’t as strong. But, they’re easily fixable if an accident does occur. Once Dr. Wilson places it top of your teeth, he’ll shape the material and smooth it out for a natural appearance.
What Can Dental Veneers Be Used For?
Dental veneers can be used for correcting a wide range of dental problems like:
- Worn or chipped teeth
- Stained teeth that bleaching can’t whiten
- A large gap between your upper front teeth or uneven spaces
- Misshapen or crooked teeth
Veneers are made of composite resin or porcelain material. Dr. Wilson will help you decide which material is best for you.
What Is the Procedure for Getting a Dental Veneer?
Having a dental veneer placed typically requires several trips to Dr. Wilson’s office – one visit for an initial consultation and the other two visits to create and apply the veneers. You may require one or many of your teeth to undergo the veneering process.
Benefits of Dental Veneers
Some benefits of veneers are:
1. Easily Whiten Your Smile
Smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee or consuming highly pigmented foods could eventually take a toll on your teeth and turn them an unattractive shade of brown or yellow. While you can stain the enamel at home or have it professionally whitened at Dr. Wilson’s office, they’ll eventually become stained again.
An easier way of whitening up your smile permanently is to have dental veneers placed. They’re mostly stain-resistant, so you won’t need to be concerned about discoloration or having to have your veneers whitened.
2. Repair Minor Cosmetic Issues
Dental veneers can repair things like:
- Gaps between your teeth
- Cracks
- Chips
- Discoloration
- Minor misalignments
They can basically help repair many cosmetic dental problems.
They’re attached to your teeth’s front surface so even though they won’t change your teeth’s position, once they’re applied, they can camouflage minor orthodontic issues. So while your natural teeth might still be crooked or gapped, nobody but you and Dr. Wilson will know.
3. Replace Damaged Enamel
While enamel is strong, it’s not indestructible. It can still be eaten away by acidic drinks and foods or worn down by extreme tooth brushing. Acid reflux disease can also produce stomach acid that can damage your enamel. Since enamel won’t grow back, so when it’s damaged, it could cause concern. But, with dental veneers, you can replace it. Dental veneers are an outstanding teeth treatment for enamel erosion and enamel abrasion and they look amazing.
Come visit Dr. Wilson, our dentist in Owensboro & Beaver Dam KY, and ask about the many procedures and services we provide to help with your oral health. From veneers to cosmetic dentistry to dental crowns, we can help you maintain that perfect, white smile. Set up your appointment today for your dental veneer consultation.