I Have a Gummy Smile – What Can I Do?

Your gums play an important role in the health of your mouth. Gums keep your teeth secure and protected and help nourish the roots of your teeth. Your gums are a wonderful feature, but for some people, gums cover more of the teeth than is desired. This is what some people refer to as a “gummy smile”.

You don’t have to live with a gummy smile – your dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro KY can help. At Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry, we offer gum recontouring services to help lengthen your teeth and create the smile you’ve always wanted.

What Are Gum Recontouring Services?

Gum recontouring is a service that allows your dentist to choose a new gumline for your teeth. During the procedure, your dentist will mark the new gum line, numb your gums, and then remove portions of the gum either with a laser or with a scalpel.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

You may be a good candidate for gum recontouring if you have excess gum tissue or an uneven gum line. If you’ve always wanted longer teeth to help your confidence, gum recontouring may be for you. Your dentist can talk to you more about your case.

How Can I Get Started?

If you’re interested in gum recontouring, contact Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry for cosmetic dentistry services in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY. Some people combine gum recontouring with other services like teeth whitening or dental veneers. This helps them achieve the beautiful smile they’ve always wanted. We can help! Call today to make an appointment.

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