3 New Year’s Resolutions to Consider That Are All About Your Smile

Another year is nearly gone, which means it is once again time to start thinking about what you want to do differently for the year to come. As you consider all the New Year’s resolutions that you hope to keep, don’t forget your oral health. Your smile is an important part of who you are, which is why restorative dentistry in Beaver Dam, KY is so popular. Take a look at a few resolutions you may want to consider as this year comes to a close.

Resolve to be more attentive to preventative dental health.

Preventative dental care is all about doing everything you can to prevent dental health issues from occurring. Whether it is your at-home oral hygiene habits or your annual visit to the dentist for checkups and cleaning, these steps can make a world of difference to your oral health.

Resolve to tend to small problems you’ve been neglecting with your teeth.

Maybe you have a small cavity that you have avoided for a while. Perhaps you have bite alignment issues you have never addressed. As the new year begins, tending to these problems could be one of the best things you ever do for your oral health.

Resolve to find out how you can be more confident with your smile.

A confident smile can change everything about how you interact with the world around you. Whether you are not so confident about the appearance of your teeth because you have stains or you really want to make a big change, a good dentist can help the visions of a better smile come to life.

Could a Beaver Dam Dentist help you with your resolutions?

Every new year is a new chance to start the year off right, even when it comes to your oral health. If you have something about your oral health or smile that you would like to discuss with a Beaver Dam, KY dentist, reach out to us at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment.

tooth extraction Owensboro and Beaver Dam KY

Why Not Just Wait For a Bad Tooth to Fall Out on Its Own?

If your dentist has told you that you need tooth extraction in Owensboro, KY, you may be wondering about why you need this service. After all, in the “olden days,” people just let bad teeth come out on their own. Why not just wait for your bad tooth to fall out on its own? There are many reasons why you need to opt for professional tooth extraction.

The Bad Tooth Can Infect Abutting Teeth

Bad teeth are usually rife with bacteria. This bacteria can readily infect abutting teeth, causing you to have not just one but two or more bad teeth. When your tooth has gone bad, the best thing you can do is to contact your Owensboro dentist to see if it needs to come out. If it does, then you should have the tooth extraction done as soon as possible; before the bad tooth has a chance to endanger the health of nearby teeth.

Bad Teeth Cause Bite Problems

When you have a bad tooth in your mouth, your bite is off. You can’t chew properly, and you end up making tiny adjustments to how you bite and chew. In turn, this ends up affecting the rest of your teeth, and can actually cause even more serious issues with bit alignment.

Bad Teeth Can Cause Nutrition Problems

Depending upon where your bad tooth is, it could actually cause nutrition problems. If it causes you to be unable to eat certain foods, you may become nutritionally deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Considering the fact that a bad tooth can potentially stay in the mouth for years, that’s a long time to go without proper nutrition.

Risking your overall health isn’t worth hanging onto a bad tooth that needs to be removed. Contact us today for safe tooth extraction in Owensboro, KY.

dentist and patient

How to Overcome Dental Phobia

Most people know that it’s important to visit the dentist at least once every six months. But many people avoid the dentist as much as possible because of dental phobia. Even when problems arise, they may try to find alternative solutions. This is always a big mistake, since dental problems never resolve on their own without professional treatment. Don’t let dental phobia cause you to have oral health problems. Here’s how to get rid of fear of going to the dentist.

Go to the Dentist More Often

Yes, that’s right. The more you go to the dentist, the less fearful you’ll be of the experience. This is because you’ll become desensitized and more familiar with the dentist’s office. You’ll get comfortable with the signs and sounds, and you’ll find that old dental phobia starting to dissipate.

Ask Lots of Questions

A lot of dental phobia has to do with fear of the unknown. If you don’t know what your dentist is doing, it’s natural to feel afraid. But a good way to feel less afraid is to ask lots of questions. Ask what they’re got to do next, ask if it’s going to hurt, ask why your dentist is doing a certain treatment; your dentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY will be more than happy to answer as many questions as you have!

Bring a Friend

No one says you have to to go the dentist by yourself. If you feel fearful, why not bring a friend or family member with you? In fact, in some cases your dentist may even be okay with your friend going with you into the treatment room, so you can feel more comfortable.

Your dentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY wants you to feel comfortable during your visits. Contact us today to book your appointment.

Woman holds fingers on her cheek showing toothache

The Dangers of DIY Tooth Extraction

You notice one of your teeth is severely loose—should you pull it yourself? No matter how loose a permanent tooth may be, you are much better off to trust tooth extraction in Owensboro to a qualified dentist. Here is a look at some of the things that can go wrong with a DIY tooth extraction.

Severe Pain

Tooth extraction can be painful. You are essentially ripping the tooth away from the soft connective tissue that supports it. Even a tooth that is really loose can have bits of connective tissue still in place. This is why dentists inject a local anesthetic to numb the nerves in the area and keep you comfortable throughout the procedure.

Nerve Damage

The mouth, gums, and jaws are filled with important nerves. Trigeminal nerves that lie near the teeth can actually be connected to multiple other points, such as the lips, gums, and chin. Damage to these nerves during extraction can bring about severe side effects, such as changes in speech or constant electrical pulse sensations. If you don’t know where these nerves are located, you could easily damage them during a DIY attempt to pull a permanent tooth.

Damage to Surrounding Teeth

When your tooth is pulled by a dentist, they do x-rays and thorough examinations to get familiar with the shape of your jaws and the positions of the surrounding teeth. They do this to make sure they can dislodge the existing tooth safely without causing damage to any of the surrounding teeth. When you attempt to pull a tooth on your own, you could easily cause permanent damage to the teeth that surround the area.

Work with an Owensboro Dentist to Have a Tooth Pulled

While teeth extractions are a highly routine dental procedure, this is a procedure that should be trusted to an Owensboro dentist. If you have a tooth that you suspect should be pulled, please reach out to us at the office of Dr. Travis Wilson DMD to schedule an appointment.

Tooth Implantation Model

Options For Fixing Gaps in Your Teeth

If you have gaps between your teeth, you probably feel a bit self-conscious whenever you smile. However, you don’t have to feel this way forever. With numerous treatment options available for this problem, you could soon have the smile of your dreams. If you’re ready to learn more about having a gap-free smile, here are three options you can talk over with your dentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY.

Cosmetic Bonding

If you have one or more smaller gaps between your teeth, cosmetic bonding in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY may be the answer to your problem. Simple and cost-effective, most bonding procedures can be completed in only one visit. Using special conditioning gel and tooth-colored resin, your dentist can shape and polish the resin so that it matches your teeth, thus eliminating any gaps that may exist.

Dental Veneers

Using thin shells of porcelain, your dentist can create dental veneers in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY that are a bit wider than your actual teeth, then bond them to the front surface of your teeth to cover the gaps. Though usually more expensive than bonding and requiring two visits, veneers are very durable and can last as long as 15 years.

Dental Implants

Should you have large gaps between teeth due to tooth loss associated with gum disease, you may be a good candidate for dental implants in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY. A surgical procedure where titanium posts are inserted into your jawbone and then topped with crowns that look like natural teeth, this is an excellent way for many people to regain a great-looking smile.

If you have lived with gaps between your teeth for years but now long to get the smile you’ve always wanted, speak to your dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY soon about these various treatment options.

dental hygiene

For Love of BBQ Sauce: 4 Ways to Avoid Stained Teeth this Summer

Teeth have a way of getting stained in the summer when people eat at barbecues and drink sugary sodas to stay cool. Knowing how you can avoid stains on your teeth is important! Below we’ve listed some suggestions that can help.

1. Swish With Water

Swishing with water after you eat can help wash away some of the foods that stain. Water is good for you, so hopefully, you have a glass of water at all your meals. Simply take a swig of water, and swish the water in your mouth before swallowing.

2. Brush Teeth Regularly

Most likely, you already brush your teeth twice per day – once in the morning and once in the evening. If you’re worried about staining your teeth, carry your toothbrush in your purse or keep a toothbrush in your car, and brush your teeth after attending barbecues and after eating staining foods.

3. Know Which Foods Stain Your Teeth

Watch out for foods that stain your teeth – foods like barbecue sauce, soda, red wine, coffee and berries. Barbecue sauce and fresh berries are commonly available in summer and can help your teeth take on a yellowish tinge as the summer progresses.

4. Get Your Teeth Whitened

If you do eat a lot of foods that have the potential to stain your teeth this summer, see your dentist in Owensboro KY for tooth whitening services. Getting your teeth whitened can help you avoid stains and keep your teeth looking beautiful!

Tooth whitening can improve your smile! Want to know more about this important service? Call today to make an appointment and discuss tooth whitening with your dentist.


Surprising Foods That Are Hard On The Teeth

Your dentist in Beaver Dam, KY wants you to know that, while eating something you enjoy is one of life’s great pleasures, it may be having unintended consequences on your teeth. From sugar that causes tooth decay to or blueberries that stain your teeth, the foods you are eating may be anything but good for your teeth. If you’re curious about which ones are the worst, here are a few foods that are very hard on your teeth.

Cakes, Cookies, and Candy

If you have a sweet tooth, it may start to decay if you enjoy a steady diet of cakes, cookies, and candy. Because these things contain high levels of sugar, your saliva may have difficulty fully washing away the sugar. Therefore, brush immediately after eating these delicious treats and in the future try to avoid having them in the first place.


Between the acid found in vinegar and the sugar that’s usually found in pickled foods, pickles may leave teeth more susceptible to staining and even loss of enamel. If teeth do get stained, you can get professional teeth whitening in Beaver Dam, KY.


If you thought crackers were harmless to your teeth, think again. Crackers often contain refined carbohydrates that are linked to inflammation. Eating crackers regularly can increase your overall chances of developing gingivitis.

Pasta Sauce

While pasta is generally considered to be a healthy food, the tomato sauce used to cover your pasta could be harming your teeth. Along with the sauce being acidic and wearing away your tooth enamel, the sugar that is typically found in the pasta itself feeds the growth of harmful bacteria within your mouth, meaning you could develop cavities.

Should you eat some or all of these foods on a regular basis, you may want to think about making some dietary changes. But whether you do or not, always remember to brush and floss regularly after each meal, and also visit your dentist in Beaver Dam, KY for regular checkups.

Brush teeth it's our habit

Dental Hygiene Tips to Protect Your Teeth This Summer

Dental hygiene is important at all times of the year, but it’s especially important in summer! Some summer foods can stain teeth while others can do damage to your teeth. In addition, playing high contact sports can do damage to your teeth. Knowing how to protect your teeth in summer can help you keep them looking nice year-round! Here’s what you need to know.

Keep Floss on Hand

Some common foods that people eat in summer, like fresh garden broccoli and corn on the cob, can get stuck in your teeth. If you’re planning to go to a lot of summer barbecues this year, keep floss on hand at all times, so you can get those foods out from your teeth before it becomes a problem.

Limit Soda Intake

Soda is sugary and bad for your teeth. It can also stain your teeth, because it’s acidic. Limiting your soda intake can protect your teeth from rot and can also prevent your teeth from becoming stained. Limit your soda intake to as little as possible.

Know Which Foods Stain

Do you know which summer foods stain your teeth? It’s a lot of the same foods that stain your clothes!

  • Barbecue sauce
  • Ketchup
  • Red wine
  • White wine
  • Coffee
  • Soda
  • Berries

Knowing which foods stain your teeth makes taking care of your teeth easier. If you’ve just eaten food that can be staining, swish with water to get some food off your teeth, or brush your teeth after eating. If you notice foods are staining your teeth over time, you don’t have to change your eating habits. Get tooth whitening services from your dentist.

Protect Your Teeth When Playing Sports

High contact sports can lead to serious injury that can do damage to your teeth. If you engage in sports where you might sustain an injury to your face, or if you like to engage in activities like skateboarding in the summer, consider wearing a mouthguard to protect your teeth. You can either buy a mouthguard from your local pharmacy, or buy a mouthguard from your dentist in Owensboro, KY.

Ready to schedule your dentist appointment? Call Dr. Wilson’s office today to make your appointment.

7 Things You Might Not Know About Wisdom Teeth  

You’ve probably heard about wisdom teeth before. But there are plenty of interesting facts about these “third molars” that you might not know!

Owensboro and Beaver Dam dentist Dr. Travis Wilson loves helping his patients stay well-informed about their oral health. With this in mind, check out these 7 interesting facts about wisdom teeth:

7 Interesting Facts About Wisdom Teeth

  1. Wisdom teeth earned their name because they tend to grow in later in life, usually between the ages of 17 and 25. In comparison, our full set of 32 permanent teeth typically grow in by age 12 or 13.
  2. Wisdom teeth were important for our human ancestors, who had different diets and eating styles. But due to changes in our modern lifestyle and cuisine, wisdom teeth really aren’t necessary anymore.
  3. Not everyone has wisdom teeth. In fact, some people don’t have any wisdom teeth at all, whereas others might have all four (one in each corner of the mouth).
  4. Wisdom teeth can either be impacted or erupted. Impacted means they’re stuck beneath the gum line and do not have room to develop normally. Erupted means they are protruding through the gum line.
  5. Wisdom teeth can lead to issues like crooked or crowded teeth, jaw pain and dysfunction, cysts and tumors beneath the gum line, and increased risk of tooth decay and infection (since tight or crooked teeth can easily trap food and bacteria). Wisdom teeth removal or extraction is recommended by the American Dental Association if any of these issues occur or are at risk for occurring.
  6. If a person’s wisdom teeth are causing problems (or likely to cause problems) and need to be removed, it’s usually better to schedule the wisdom teeth extraction earlier in life. That’s because it’s generally easier and less painful to remove wisdom teeth when a person is younger.
  7. If a wisdom tooth isn’t causing any problems, it might not need to be removed. However, it’s important that any remaining wisdom teeth are monitored regularly to ensure no problems develop later on.

Are you or a loved one overdue for a dental exam? If you live near Owensboro or Beaver Dam, KY, contact Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today at (270).274.3645 to schedule an appointment.


What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a procedure that dentists perform to save a natural tooth when there is damage or infection present in its pulp chamber (aka canal). At Travis Wilson Family Dentistry in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, Kentucky, Dr. Wilson performs root canals to help patients save their natural teeth.

Dental Pulp: What is It?

Dental pulp is located within the pulp chamber. The pulp chamber can be found in the portion of the tooth that is located beneath the gum line. This pulp consists of blood vessels, the tooth’s nerve (aka root), and connective tissue. Removing the infected or damaged pulp allows the patient to keep his or her natural tooth.

How Does the Pulp of a Tooth Sustain Damage?

The pulp of a tooth may become inflamed, irritated, and infected due to a chipped or cracked tooth, facial trauma, large fillings, repeated procedures performed on the same tooth, or deep decay.

What Happens During a Root Canal?

During a root canal, Dr. Wilson removes the infected or damaged pulp, including the nerve. He cleans out the pulp chamber and then seals it with dental cement. The prosthetic tooth (i.e., dental crown) is placed over the tooth.

If the infection is present, Dr. Wilson will hold off on sealing the canal. Instead, he will place medication directly inside the chamber.

To keep contaminants out of the hole in between appointments, Dr. Wilson places a temporary filling in the opening of the tooth. The patient needs to return to the office once the infection clears up to have the root canal completed.

The Importance of Removing the Pulp

After sustaining damage, the pulp begins breaking down, which allows bacteria to enter the chamber. They begin multiplying. The combination of the bacteria and dying pulp can lead to an infection or an abscessed tooth.

What is an Abscessed Tooth?

An abscessed tooth is typically quite painful. When a tooth becomes abscessed, a pocket full of pus forms at the end of its root.

Other issues that can arise when an infected tooth is left untreated:

  • Bone loss at the tip of the root.
  • Inflammation can affect other areas, including the neck, face, or head.
  • Drainage problems.
  • The tooth may develop a hole that allows the infection to drain into the gingival tissue (aka gum tissue) or through the cheek and into the skin.

Are Root Canals Painful?

Many people hear root canal and immediately think pain, however, most patients state that the feeling experienced during a root canal is comparable to that which is felt while a filling is placed.

If you have a tooth that you think needs a root canal, contact Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today to schedule an appointment.

Travis Wilson Family Dentistry Locations

1042 North Main Street, Beaver Dam, Kentucky(270).274.3645

2014 Triplett Street, Owensboro, Kentucky (270).926.6040