What’s the Difference Between Plaque and Tartar?

You may have heard that plaque and tartar are bad for your teeth, but do you know the difference? Plaque and tartar can lead to problems with oral health and hygiene.

You can stop plaque and tartar from forming on your teeth by brushing properly and seeing the dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, every six months. In this article, we’ll tell you about plaque and tartar to help you understand the difference. Here’s what to know.

What Is Plaque?

Plaque is a sticky substance made up of food particles and debris. Plaque forms on your teeth when you eat food. Brushing your teeth at the end of the day can help keep plaque off your teeth, but you can’t brush all plaque off your teeth all the time. Over time, plaque can build up on your teeth, especially near your gums.

What Is Tartar?

Tartar is a hard substance that forms from plaque on your tooth enamel. As plaque accumulates on your teeth, it mixes with saliva and other particles and eventually turns into a crusty yellowish substance that is very difficult to remove. Tartar can’t be removed with toothbrushing. To get rid of tartar, you’ll need to visit the dentist for teeth cleaning.

How Can You Avoid Plaque and Tartar?

The best way to keep your teeth free of plaque and tartar is to brush your teeth twice per day and see the dentist every six months. The dental professionals will clean your teeth and polish your tooth enamel. This helps keep your teeth smooth, so plaque and tartar can’t build up on your teeth.

Do you need to see the dentist for a dental exam and cleaning in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY? If so, call today to make your next appointment.

Do Your Teeth Feel Filmy After You Brush?

When you run your tongue over your teeth after you brush, ideally, you want them to feel free of debris. After all, what are you brushing for if not for a squeaky clean? Of course, if your teeth still feel filmy, you may wonder what’s going wrong. Below, we’ll look at what’s causing the film and what you can do on your end to reduce the buildup.

What’s Causing Your Teeth to Feel Sticky?

If you feel a film over your teeth, it could be the ingredients that you’re using to brush. Some toothpastes may leave a residue that makes your teeth feel more coated than they did before. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the toothpaste you’re using is wrong, especially when any toothpaste is better than no toothpaste, but you may want to try a few types and brands to see if it makes a difference.

Plaque on Your Teeth

Plaque is the bacteria that builds up on your teeth over the course of the day, and it can cause your teeth to feel filmy after you brush. A dentist in Owensboro, KY would tell you that this is likely what you’re feeling when you run your tongue across your teeth. The longer the film is on your teeth, the more likely it will turn into tartar.

Seeing a Dentist in Owensboro, KY

It’s possible to reduce the filmy feel after you brush with better brushing habits, which may mean buying a new brush, brushing for more time, or switching up your brushing tactics. However, it’s not possible to scrape off all plaque without the help of professional tools. If you’re looking for a teeth cleaning in Owensboro, contact the offices of Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today!

How can i floss better at home?

Flossing is one of the best ways to prevent tooth decay, and this is likely not news to anyone. In addition to brushing, flossing can root out some of the most stubborn food particles that can build up between teeth. The problem? It’s not always easy, particularly if your teeth are set close together. Below, we’ll look at a few ways to floss better, so you can develop a better routine.

Try New Things

One of the best ways to floss better is to start with better floss. This may take some experimentation to get right, as the right floss for your friend may be very different from the right floss for you. You can also try interdental brushes, flossing picks, or water flossers. While the latter two are not always as effective as regular brushing, a dentist in Beaver Dam, KY can help you decrease plaque and tartar if you’re not flossing with standard floss.

Be More Mindful

Whether you play classical music in the background or watch a video about flossing on YouTube, sometimes it’s as simple as taking your mind off of other matters, which are likely many, and putting your mind into the task. Slowing down and taking the time can cause your technique to improve immediately.

Visit Your Dentist in Beaver Dam, KY

Flossing isn’t just good for your teeth; it’s great for your gums. When you floss regularly, you can avoid inflammation or bacteria that leads to gum disease. Unfortunately, brushing and flossing can’t take the place of professional teeth cleanings in Beaver Dam, KY. If you’re looking for a dentist who can help you keep up with all of your better habits, contact the staff at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry. We’re here to support you with your long-term dental health!

Crowns vs caps: Which one do you need?

If you’ve heard of people having their teeth capped, you may have wondered exactly what that meant. The truth is that both words can be used interchangeably by some people and not by others. Below, we’ll cover the nature of the two words and what you should know.

What Is a Crown?

crown in Owensboro, KY is a partial or full artificial tooth, and it’s used to correct anything from cracks to decay. You may need a crown if you had a root canal because the procedure will weaken the natural tooth on top. Or you may need it if you’ve sustained damage (even if the nerve and inner tissues are still healthy). Crowns are a very common procedure, and thanks to today’s technology, you have plenty of options should you need one.

What Is a Cap?

The one depends on who you ask. Some people refer to crowns as caps, while others refer to veneers or onlays/inlays as caps. There is a significant difference between these two types of dental procedures. A dentist in Owensboro, KY will place a veneer as a cosmetic fix, ensuring that your teeth look white and uniform all across your mouth. Onlays, inlays, and crowns are all done to fix damage to the teeth. If you don’t want to get confused, the best thing you can do is clarify the difference if someone uses the term cap.

Visiting Your Dentist in Owensboro, KY

While dental terms can be confusing even for people in the profession, you don’t have to go into the procedure blind. At Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry, with locations in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, we can define our services and explain your options so you feel entirely comfortable moving forward!

5 Surprising Signs You Need to See the Dentist

If your teeth hurt or crack, you probably know it’s time to head to the dentist, but these are just some of the indicators that you need a visit. What about bleeding gums or sores in the mouth? Here are five surprising signs it’s time to visit the dentist for a quick check.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums aren’t just a sign that you are flossing too hard. They are a sign of gum inflammation and can be a sign of gum disease. If your gums bleed regularly, you need to see your Beaver Dam dentist.

Dry Mouth

Your mouth should be moist. Saliva helps neutralize acids and wash away extra food particles. Dry mouth can be caused by a number of factors, and your dental team is the best one to help you determine the underlying cause. If you don’t get help, you might suffer tooth decay or plaque buildup.

Sores That Don’t Heal

Occasional mouth sores are just part of life, but if you have some that don’t heal after two weeks, then you need treatment. Your dentist can identify the underlying cause and help you find the right treatment. Your dentist can also screen for more serious health conditions, such as oral cancer.

Receding Gums

Having your gums recede happens naturally as you age. However, it can also indicate you have gum disease, especially if you’re under the age of 65. This is always a good thing to talk to your dentist about, especially since retreating gums can leave the roots of the teeth exposed, which can cause pain.

Facial Pain

Many causes of facial pain stem from the mouth. For example, cavities can cause pain in the sinuses, and problems with your bite can lead to head and neck pain. If you have facial pain, consider talking to your dentist to see if it comes from your mouth or jaw.

Do you have any of these surprising symptoms? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to get help right away.

How to Find the Right Dentist for Your Family

The benefits of a family dentist are spelled out right in the title. If you find the right practice, you can have everyone in the family visit, so everything can get done in one fell swoop. Of course, few things in life are ever as easy as they seem. We’ll look at what to remember before you choose a family dentist and how the staff at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry can help you simplify matters.

Factors to Keep In Mind 

Before you choose a family dentist, here’s what you should know:

  • Family dentists in Owensboro, KY are just as good with adults as they are with kids! Just because the staff is trained to help kids calm down, doesn’t mean they aren’t qualified to work with adults. With the right family dentist, you can get everyone on the same general schedule, so your life has fewer interruptions.
  • Family dentists keep everyone’s records together. This way, you don’t have to worry about scheduling the wrong kid for the right appointment. Family dentists understand that your life is hectic, so their logs group people together by clan.
  • Family dentist practices tend to have strong relationships with their clients. While it’s easy to get drawn into new businesses, thanks to special promotions, the reality is that relationships and history are typically more valuable than any one-time deal. Instead of explaining the same issue repeatedly, you can work with someone with all the details at their fingertips.

How to Find the Right Dentist 

If you’re looking for the right dental team in Owensboro, it always comes down to reputation. We’ve worked hard at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to build trust with our clients. Contact us today to learn more about how our services can help everyone get the care they need!

Dentist and patient

How Facial Spasms Affect Your Teeth

Facial spasms refer to any involuntary contraction of your facial muscles. For the most part, they’re uncommon occurrences, though it’s worth noting that they’re likely more common than we think.

Because facial spasms can occur for any number of reasons, including an extra cup of coffee or an unexpected stressor, we don’t always even notice them (which means they’re never reported to a dentist in Owensboro, KY). Below, we’ll look at how facial spasms affect more than the muscles in your face.

Facial Spasms and Your Teeth

Facial spasms come in a variety of flavors, with some affecting your eyelids and others affecting your jaw. Bruxism and Meige syndrome are medical terms that refer to involuntary movements of the jaw and mouth. With Meige syndrome, you’ll probably have a heads up about your facial spasms because it happens when you’re awake.

With bruxism, though, you’re grinding and clenching your teeth while you’re asleep. Sometimes, the only way you’ll know that this is occurring is if a partner tells you or if you start to have visible wear and tear on your teeth. With bruxism, you’re slowly grinding your teeth down, which can not just weaken the tooth, it can eventually cause you to either need a root canal or to lose it entirely.

How to Treat Facial Spasms

Treating facial spasms starts with diagnosing them. If you’re not sure what’s causing your facial tics or jaw pain, it helps to have the right professional evaluate you for damage and (potentially) restorative rehab in Owensboro, KY. At the very least, standard dental exams can reveal changes from your teeth over the years.

What You Should Never Do with a Knocked-Out Tooth (and what to do instead)

Most people, when they knock out a tooth, they immediately put it in water. But that’s the worst thing you can do. You need to get to a dentist in Beaver Dam, KY, right away! But between the time you knock out your tooth and the time you get to the emergency dentist, here’s what you need to do.

What You Must Never Do with a Knocked-Out Tooth

You must never put a knocked-out tooth in water! Doing so could kill the cells and cause the tooth’s roots to burst. And this can happen within just a few minutes.

Keep reading to find out what you should do instead.

What to Do Immediately After Knocking Out a Tooth

If you knock out a tooth, try to put it back into its socket. This isn’t always possible. But go ahead and do that if you can. Putting it back in the socket is the best option for preserving your tooth until you can drive to the dentist.

If it won’t go back into its socket, the next best thing to do is put it in milk. Any milk will do (whole, skim, almond, coconut). Milk has enzymes in it that will kill the bacteria and protect your tooth’s roots.

Then, you need to get to an emergency dentist right away. If you get to a dentist within an hour, there’s a good chance they will be able to save your tooth. Time is of the essence! The longer you wait, the less chance there will be to save your tooth.

Are You Looking for an Exceptional Dentist in Beaver Dam, KY?

Finding an exceptional dentist who takes the time to get to know you and understand your specific dental needs can be challenging. That’s why we want to introduce you to our practice. Please Contact Travis Wilson D.M.D., today. We would love to show you why our team is exceptional!

3 Reasons to Look Forward to Your Next Dental Exam

Dental exams are good for you! When you go to the dentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY, your dentist will clean your teeth, identify whether you have any dental conditions, and give you the tools you need to take care of your teeth.

There are many reasons to look forward to your next dental exam. Here’s what to look forward to.

1. Your Teeth Will Be Clean

When you brush your teeth, you eliminate most of the food buildup on your tooth enamel. However, it’s impossible to get rid of all the food buildup on your teeth. This food buildup can harden into a sticky substance called plaque.

If the sticky substance is not removed, it will eventually harden even more into tartar. Tartar can’t be removed with your toothbrush. Only your dentist can remove tartar. Your dentist will remove tartar when you come for your next dental cleaning and exam.

2. You Can Ask Your Dentist Questions

At the end of your dental exam, you’ll have a chance to ask your dentist questions. This is your chance to learn how to take better care of your teeth. Write your questions for your dental exam so you won’t forget them.

3. You’ll Enjoy Fresh Breath

An extra-clean mouth means extra-fresh breath after your dental exam in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY.

Are you looking forward to the many benefits of a dental exam? Call your dentist at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to make your next appointment. Call today.

Is It Better to Use An Electric Toothbrush?

A good toothbrush makes it easier to clean your teeth and keep them clean at home. If you’ve been using manual toothbrushes your entire life, switching to an electric toothbrush could help keep your teeth cleaner. Your dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, can recommend a good electric toothbrush to improve your oral hygiene routine. Here’s what you should know.


What Studies Say About Electric Toothbrushes

Studies show that electric toothbrushes are better at removing plaque, the sticky substance that forms on your teeth after meals. Electric toothbrushes come in two types: oscillating-rotating and sonic. Both types are better at removing plaque than manual toothbrushes.

These toothbrushes are effective because they make more movements per minute than a person can make when brushing their teeth. Electric toothbrushes also time people, encouraging them to brush their teeth for the full two minutes recommended by experts.


What To Look For In An Electric Toothbrush

When you’re looking for an electric toothbrush, consider the following:

  • Budget. Electric toothbrushes are more expensive than manual toothbrushes. However, if you’re on a budget, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a quality electric toothbrush.
  • Features. Electric toothbrushes come with a range of features. Some even have an app that can track your toothbrushing habits and suggest changes to your routine.


How To Find the Right Electric Toothbrush For You

Want to find the right electric toothbrush for you? Ask your dentist about it at the next dental exam in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY. We’re very familiar with the toothbrushes available for sale, and we can help you choose the right toothbrush for you.