5 Tips to Maintain Healthy Teeth This Summer
Maintaining healthy teeth is important at all times of the year, but it’s especially important in the summer when you’re likely to attend big gatherings with lots of food and dessert. Knowing how to maintain healthy teeth this summer can help you avoid an infection, cavity or another painful dental problem.
1. Floss Regularly – Even At Events
Floss after meals, especially when you’ve eaten summer foods that can easily be caught between your teeth, like corn on the cob and ribs. Flossing may sound challenging if you spend half your summer attending barbecues, but this gets easier when you bring floss with you. Put floss in your purse, your glove compartment, or your backpack.
2. Swish After Eating Staining Foods
Barbecue sauces, berries and iced coffee are all popular in summer – and all can stain your teeth. You can head off some of these problems by swishing with water after eating or drinking something that can stain your teeth. Chasing staining foods and beverages with water can help keep away the worst of the stains.
3. Minimize Sugar Intake
It’s hard not to eat a lot of sugar in summer. Ice cream, milk shakes, cherry pie – these popular desserts make an appearance at family get togethers, barbecues and other social events. Do your best to minimize your sugar intake. Moderation is good for you!
4. See the Dentist
Make an appointment to see the dentist in Owensboro KY this summer. Your dentist will clean your teeth and can also catch dental problems in their early stages.
5. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene
In addition to getting preventative care in Owensboro KY from your dentist, it’s also important to maintain good oral hygiene at home. Brush your teeth and floss every evening, and brush in the morning as well. Have more questions? Call Travis Wilson Family Dentistry today.