teething baby

Is a Pacifier Bad For My Child’s Teeth?

Pacifiers can be great tools for parents who want to soothe their babies. If you’re a parent with a baby who uses a pacifier, you may have heard that pacifier use can be bad for your baby’s teeth. Prolonged use of pacifiers has been shown to increase the risk of certain conditions such as malocclusion (a condition that affects how the jaws line up when closed).

Pacifiers can be used safely, but it’s important to follow certain guidelines. If you have questions about your baby’s teeth, talking to your child’s dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, can help you get the answers you need. In this article, we’ll explore pacifier use and give you some advice to help you decide what is best for your child.

Pacifiers and Teeth

Pacifiers are generally considered safe until your baby reaches a certain age. Organizations and medical professionals may recommend different ages to stop using a pacifier. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry advises pacifier use to stop after your child turns three years old.

Tips for Using a Pacifier

Smart use of a pacifier can help protect your child’s teeth.

  • Never dip the pacifier into something sweet.
  • Do not share the pacifier between children – this can spread bacteria that are bad for their teeth and gums.
  • Check the age range for the pacifier you’re purchasing. Use a pacifier that is the right size for your child’s age.

Have Questions About Pediatric Dental Care? Call Today

If you have questions about pediatric dental care, we have answers. Start taking your child to the dentist by the time they turn one. To make your child’s appointment with the dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, call today.

whiter teeth this summer

Why is Tooth Film Worse in the Morning?

Isn’t it fantastic to wake up in the morning feel refreshed and revitalized? A good night’s sleep can work wonders. But, wait. What’s that terrible film that develops overnight? It’s always worse in the morning. Why is that? Well, you aren’t alone. Your dentist in Owensboro, KY wants you to know that there’s nothing wrong, necessarily; waking up with a film on your teeth is a common issue, and it often feels worse in the morning due to how the mouth behaves overnight. Learn more about it.

The Difference Between Day and Night

During the day, saliva plays a crucial role in keeping your mouth clean by washing away food particles and bacteria. Saliva also contains enzymes that help break down harmful substances and neutralize acids. At night, saliva production decreases by a lot, creating a drier environment inside the mouth. This dryness allows bacteria to multiply more easily, forming a biofilm on your teeth and gums.

A Dry Mouth at Night

Some people’s mouths fall open and they breathe through their mouths while they sleep, further drying out the mouth. Mouth breathing makes morning tooth film worse by reducing saliva even more. Ever wonder why you have “morning breath?” That’s your answer.

Diet Plays a Role

Diet can also play a role in the severity of tooth film. Eating foods high in sugar, starch, or acid before bed can leave residue on your teeth, which bacteria thrive on during the night, leading to an even thicker film in the morning. Hopefully this makes you rethink going to bed without brushing your teeth!

So, on one hand, you can relax about why your tooth film is worse in the morning. On the other hand, there are things you can do to minimize it! Talk to your Owensboro, KY dentist for more helpful tips.

I’m Missing a Permanent Tooth. Is It Important to Get It Replaced?

A missing permanent tooth can cause many problems, but your dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY can help. At Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry, we provide prosthetic tooth options like dental bridges and dental implants to help restore your smile. If you’re not aware of the problems a missing tooth can cause – and your options for replacement – you should be! See below.

Why Replace Your Missing Tooth?

Many problems can occur when you’re missing a tooth.

  1. Bone loss. Your teeth stimulate your jaw bone and help keep your jaw bone healthy and voluminous. When you lose a tooth, you can lose jaw bone volume shortly after.
  2. Difficulty chewing and talking. Some teeth play an integral role in chewing and talking. When you’re missing teeth, you can struggle to do what you once did easily.
  3. Teeth shift. Your teeth fit snugly together, with each one pressing against the other one. When a tooth goes missing, other teeth in the mouth can shift.

What Are the Prosthetic Tooth Options?

If you’re missing a permanent tooth, there are many prosthetic teeth options available for you. For example:

  • Dental implants are surgically inserted into the jaw. They look and function like natural teeth.
  • Dental bridges are attached to the teeth on either side of the gap. They’re long-lasting and attractive.
  • Dentures come in partial or full options to help replace a few teeth or a lot of teeth, depending on your needs.

Are you interested in prosthetic options like dental implants in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY? Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry can help. Call today.

5 Surprising Signs You Need to See the Dentist

If your teeth hurt or crack, you probably know it’s time to head to the dentist, but these are just some of the indicators that you need a visit. What about bleeding gums or sores in the mouth? Here are five surprising signs it’s time to visit the dentist for a quick check.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums aren’t just a sign that you are flossing too hard. They are a sign of gum inflammation and can be a sign of gum disease. If your gums bleed regularly, you need to see your Beaver Dam dentist.

Dry Mouth

Your mouth should be moist. Saliva helps neutralize acids and wash away extra food particles. Dry mouth can be caused by a number of factors, and your dental team is the best one to help you determine the underlying cause. If you don’t get help, you might suffer tooth decay or plaque buildup.

Sores That Don’t Heal

Occasional mouth sores are just part of life, but if you have some that don’t heal after two weeks, then you need treatment. Your dentist can identify the underlying cause and help you find the right treatment. Your dentist can also screen for more serious health conditions, such as oral cancer.

Receding Gums

Having your gums recede happens naturally as you age. However, it can also indicate you have gum disease, especially if you’re under the age of 65. This is always a good thing to talk to your dentist about, especially since retreating gums can leave the roots of the teeth exposed, which can cause pain.

Facial Pain

Many causes of facial pain stem from the mouth. For example, cavities can cause pain in the sinuses, and problems with your bite can lead to head and neck pain. If you have facial pain, consider talking to your dentist to see if it comes from your mouth or jaw.

Do you have any of these surprising symptoms? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to get help right away.

When Thumb Sucking Becomes a Problem

When your child sucks their thumb, at some point, it can become a problem. This is a conversation between you and your dentist in Owensboro, KY. Until then, here’s what you need to know.

At What Age Does Thumb Sucking Become a Problem?

It’s natural for babies to suck their thumbs. It’s a mechanism they use to self-soothe. However, if it continues for too long, it could cause extensive, long-lasting damage.

After six months or so, your child’s thumb-sucking should decrease. But that’s not the case with all children. Many children still suck their thumbs well into their preschool age.

If your child’s thumb-sucking continues past the age of four, this could ultimately be a problem.

Severe Consequences of Thumb Sucking

Here are some things that could happen if your child’s thumb-sucking habit continues for too long.

  • Overbite or open bite
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Speech impediments or a lisp
  • Improper growth of the jaw, roof of mouth, and teeth

How to Stop Your Child’s Thumb-Sucking Habit

Try these things to stop your child from sucking their thumb.

  • Use positive reinforcement.
  • Talk with your child about this habit.
  • Distract them with games or activities when they start to suck their thumb.
  • Provide rewards for positive behavior.

If none of these things work (and sometimes they don’t), your dentist can help. Your dentist in Owensboro, KY, can install a dental appliance called a palatal crib that works, without fail, to stop thumb-sucking.

The palatal crib is cemented behind your child’s teeth. It keeps your child’s thumb from touching their gums. This takes away any comfort and soothing effects they would normally get from sucking their thumb.

Looking for an Exceptional Dentist in Owensboro, KY?

Everyone wants what’s best for their child. And so do we. Please Contact Travis Wilson D.M.D., today. This is your opportunity to talk with a dentist about your child’s thumb-sucking issues and what you can do about them.

Something’s Stuck in My Gums: What to Do?

Everyone’s experienced it at one time or another. Having something stuck between your teeth is one thing. But having something stuck in your gums is a whole other concern. This is because the food debris that’s stuck in your gums will quickly begin to decay. Bacteria will feed on it, leading to more problems, and eventually the health of your tooth may even be threatened. If you’ve got something stuck in your gums, here’s what you should do.

Rinse Your Mouth

First, try rinsing your mouth. Swish water between your teeth where the debris is trapped. This might dislodge the item. If not, try the next step.


Gently use dental floss to try and dislodge it, being super careful not to push the debris farther into your gums. You might also use the pad of your finger to apply pressure to move the piece of food debris away from the gums.

Don’t Use a Toothpick

Avoid the use of any sharp objects to dislodge the debris, as this could easily damage your gums. It could also increase the risk of a gum infection.

If you can no longer see the debris, it’s time to visit your dentist in Owensboro, KY.

Symptoms to Look For

Contact your dentist and let them know if you have any of the symptoms listed here:

  • redness
  • swelling
  • pain
  • tenderness
  • bleeding

If you have these symptoms, your dentist may want to schedule you right away for an appointment.

When to Avoid Self-Removal

There are times when you should skip the steps of trying to remove the debris yourself. If the debris is deeply embedded, causing significant pain, or if your gums are already bleeding, avoid attempting to remove it on your own. Self-removal efforts in such cases can worsen the problem, leading to more severe gum damage or infection.

Contact your dentist in Owensboro, KY today for assistance with all your dental care needs, including if you have debris stuck in your gums.

What You Should Never Do with a Knocked-Out Tooth (and what to do instead)

Most people, when they knock out a tooth, they immediately put it in water. But that’s the worst thing you can do. You need to get to a dentist in Beaver Dam, KY, right away! But between the time you knock out your tooth and the time you get to the emergency dentist, here’s what you need to do.

What You Must Never Do with a Knocked-Out Tooth

You must never put a knocked-out tooth in water! Doing so could kill the cells and cause the tooth’s roots to burst. And this can happen within just a few minutes.

Keep reading to find out what you should do instead.

What to Do Immediately After Knocking Out a Tooth

If you knock out a tooth, try to put it back into its socket. This isn’t always possible. But go ahead and do that if you can. Putting it back in the socket is the best option for preserving your tooth until you can drive to the dentist.

If it won’t go back into its socket, the next best thing to do is put it in milk. Any milk will do (whole, skim, almond, coconut). Milk has enzymes in it that will kill the bacteria and protect your tooth’s roots.

Then, you need to get to an emergency dentist right away. If you get to a dentist within an hour, there’s a good chance they will be able to save your tooth. Time is of the essence! The longer you wait, the less chance there will be to save your tooth.

Are You Looking for an Exceptional Dentist in Beaver Dam, KY?

Finding an exceptional dentist who takes the time to get to know you and understand your specific dental needs can be challenging. That’s why we want to introduce you to our practice. Please Contact Travis Wilson D.M.D., today. We would love to show you why our team is exceptional!

woman at dentist

3 Reasons to Make a Dental Appointment In the Next 6 Months

When was the last time you saw the dentist? The next time you visit the dentist should be six months after your last appointment. Below, we’ve listed three reasons to make adental appointment in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, in the next six months.

1. Dentist Recommendations

Generally speaking, most dentists recommend that their patients come for dental cleanings twice yearly. Every patient is unique, so your dentist may give you a different schedule to follow, but if you’re like most people, you should see the dentist twice annually.

The good news is that most dental insurance plans will cover two dental cleanings annually. This preventative care can help you take good care of your teeth, so take advantage of that dental insurance benefit.

2. Help Prevent Dental Problems

When you go to the dentist for a cleaning and examination, your dentist will look for problems like cavities, impacted wisdom teeth, dental infections, cracks in your teeth, and more.

Going every six months can help ensure that if your dentist does catch a problem, it will most likely be in its early stages. Catching problems early is important for preventing permanent teeth loss and dental emergencies requiring a root canal.

3. Maintain a Healthy, Beautiful Smile

Getting your teeth cleaned frequently can help prevent gum disease and tooth discoloration. This helps keep your teeth white and bright so you can confidently smile.

Is it time for you to see the dentist inBeaver Dam and Owensboro, KY? If so, contact Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to make an appointment.

gums and teeth disease

What Causes Gum Recession?

Gum recession is a common problem people experience for various reasons. When gum recession happens, it can cause tooth sensitivity, pain, and even loss of permanent teeth. As yourdentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, we’re here to help you understand the causes of gum recession and what you can do about it. Knowing why you’re experiencing gum recession can help you take care of your teeth. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Gum Recession?

Gum recession is what happens when your gums pull away from the base of your teeth. Gum recession can leave the roots of your teeth exposed, and that can cause pain and even bone loss.

What Causes Gum Recession?

Gum recession can be caused by a variety of problems. Below are some reasons that you might be experiencing gum recession:

Gum disease. Gum disease can cause a variety of dental problems, including gum recession. Other symptoms of gum disease include bleeding gums, puffy red gums, loose teeth, and breath that’s bad even after you’ve brushed.

Brushing your teeth too hard. If you’re brushing your teeth too hard or brushing your teeth with hard bristles, you could be causing your gums to wear away. For this reason, it’s important to use soft bristle toothbrushes.

Smoking. Smoking can damage your teeth and gums in a variety of ways, and that includes gum recession.

What Should I Do About Gum Recession?

If you have gum recession, getting help from a dentist is important. Make an appointment for adental exam in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY, at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry. We can diagnose the cause of your gum recession and help you get the treatment you need to protect your teeth.

Conversation between two dentist in dentist's clinic

3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist at Your Next Dental Appointment

When you go visit the dentist, it’s important to make the most of your check-up. Your dentist in Owensboro & Beaver Dam, KY, can give you a lot of good advice to help you take care of your teeth, but asking questions gets the conversation started. Below are three questions you can ask the next time you visit the dentist.

1. What can I do to improve my oral hygiene routine?

Your dentist will have a good sense of how you’re taking care of your teeth just by looking in your mouth during your checkup. Your dentist will be able to see where plaque is building up on your teeth and where your teeth are getting properly brushed. Asking this question prompts your dentist to give you a tooth brushing and flossing tutorial.

2. Am I at risk for any dental conditions?

If you’re at risk for dental conditions, your dentist will likely know just by asking you questions about your lifestyle, habits, and medical conditions. For example, if you smoke, your dentist can tell you about how this affects your dental health. If you’re pregnant, this can put you at risk for certain dental conditions as well.

Asking this question gives your dentist an opportunity to talk about the dental conditions that you’re most at risk of experiencing and what you can do to avoid those conditions.

3. When should I make my next dental appointment?

Most people need to see the dentist every six months for preventative dental care in Owensboro & Beaver Dam, KY, but if your dentist has identified a condition or dental problem, your dentist may ask you to return sooner. Ask your dentist at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry when they hope to see you back.