How to Fix a Gap in My Teeth?

When you have a gap in your teeth, your smile is negatively impacted. But more importantly, a gap in your teeth can lead to serious issues like teeth shifting, bit alignment problems and trouble chewing food. Depending upon the case of the gap, you may need tooth replacement at Dr. Travis Wilson Family Dentistry in Owensboro, KY or orthodontics to gently close the gap.

When Tooth Replacement is Needed

You will need tooth replacement in Owensboro, KY if the gap in your teeth is because of a missing tooth. Your Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY dentist has a variety of options to replace a missing tooth, including:

  • Bridge
  • Implant
  • Denture

When Orthodontics Are Needed

If the gap in your teeth is due to a natural condition, your dentist in Beaver Dam will likely recommend that you get orthodontics to close the gap. As with tooth replacement options, you’ll have several choices when it comes to orthodontics.

One choice to fix a gap in your teeth is clear aligners. These are low-profile devices that fit inside the mouth. They are removable and temporary. As your gap slowly closes, you’ll be fitted with a new aligner. Aligners are to be worn up to 22 hours per day for best results, although they can be removed for eating and oral hygiene.


If the gap in your teeth is wide, your dentist in Owensboro, KY may suggest traditional braces. These are permanently affixed to the teeth and give the same or better results as aligners. Braces are typically worn between one and two years.

You don’t have to live with a gap in your teeth; in fact, it’s best not to have a gap at all. Contact your Owensboro, KY dentist to discuss possible solutions to closing the gap in your teeth.

Hidden Benefits of Orthodontics

When you think about orthodontics, the first thing you probably think of is the correction of crooked teeth. And it’s true that the main reason to get orthodontics in Owensboro, KY is to realign crooked teeth and to fix irregular bite profiles, such as an underbite or overbite. But there are hidden benefits of orthodontics that aren’t immediately apparent. Once you or a loved one has successful orthodontic treatment, you will discover these hidden benefits. In the meantime, here they are.

Increased Confidence

If you have crooked teeth, an overbite or underbite, you may avoid smiling. You may even avoid eye contact with people, since the most common friendly response to eye contact is a big smile. If your teeth are a big embarrassment for you, you may even have avoided situations where you have to appear in public. But after orthodontics, a hidden benefit is the increased confidence you’ll have. You will likely want to show off your smile and eagerly look forward to social activities!

Better Eating Habits

When you get orthodontics in Owensboro, your dentist will give you a list of foods to avoid. Certain foods may get stuck in the orthodontics and be hard or impossible to remove with regular brushing. This extra attention to diets may lead to better eating habits overall, and your improved diet may very well last long after your orthodontics have been removed. After all, now you’ll want to protect your “new” beautiful teeth!

Improved Oral Hygiene

Another hidden benefit of getting orthodontics is that you will likely develop improved oral hygiene habits. You’ll be paying more attention to your brushing and rinsing to make sure you remove all the food debris. These improved habits will probably stay with you for the rest of your life.

When you’re ready to discuss orthodontics, contact your dentist in Owensboro, KY. We’re looking forward to seeing you!

Why Are My Teeth Shifting?

There’s a common belief that adult teeth should not shift. But natural teeth shift slightly during the entire lifetime. If you’ve noticed gaps or changes in the way your teeth align, it’s likely that this is just a normal part of life. However, if you notice that the teeth shifting is more severe, that your bite alignment is changing, or that some teeth are also becoming loose, this is not something you should ignore.

Your Owensboro, KY Dentist Monitors Shifting of Teeth

Although your dentist in Owensboro, KY may not come right out and say it, each time you have a dentist visit, they are monitoring your teeth for shifting. Normal amounts of teeth shifting won’t be cause for treatment. But if your dentist sees extreme shifting going on, they will certainly bring it up and talk to you about potential problems.

Natural Reasons For Noticeable Teeth Shifting

Sometimes, even benign reasons can cause more noticeable shifting of teeth. These include:

  • Recent removal of orthodontics, when teeth are subtly moving into a more permanent position
  • Loss of tooth, where abutting teeth move closer together to fill in the gap
  • Wisdom teeth removal, where the natural teeth move ever so slightly apart to make use of the extra space

Problematic Reasons For Noticeable Teeth Shifting

There are other, more serious reasons why your teeth may be shifting, too. These include:

  • Advancing periodontal disease, where teeth and gums are succumbing to bacterial infection
  • Bone loss in the jaw, where the connection between the tooth root and the jaw is becoming tenuous due to bone degeneration
  • Teeth grinding, an unconscious movement that places excessive stress on teeth, gums and jaw

If you get routine preventative care in Owensboro, KY, you don’t have anything to worry about. Your dentist will ensure that your teeth and gums are as healthy as possible!

3 Myths About Traditional Metal Braces

When it comes to orthodontic treatment in Owensboro, KY to address alignment issues, a lot of people these days do opt for invisible aligners. However, the same standard, traditional metal braces that people have used for decades are still effective. Take a look at a few of the most common myths surrounding standard metal braces.

Myth: Treatment takes longer with metal braces

On the contrary, treatment with metal braces sometimes takes less time than with invisible aligners. Nevertheless, the two types of smile alignment can actually be pretty comparable when it comes to the duration of treatment. The primary difference is the fact that aligners require the wearer to strictly adhere to the wearing schedule. Patients that do not wear aligners for the bulk of the day can have longer periods of treatment.

Myth: Metal braces cut your mouth and lips on a regular basis

When you initially get your braces, it can take a few days to get accustomed to speaking and chewing in a way that prevents any abrasions from occurring. However, beyond those first few days, most patients rarely have issues with cuts or abrasions happening because of their metal braces.

Myth: If you have metal braces, you can’t eat what you want

The dentist may give recommendations about a few foods to steer clear of, but, for the most part, you can still eat what you want. Some of the foods that are commonly recommended to avoid include things like hard candy and sticky chewing gum, which are not a substantial part of most people’s diet.

Talk to an Owensboro, KY Dentist About Smile Alignment

Whether you are looking for traditional metal braces or something like clear aligners, an Owensboro, KY dentist can help. Contact our friendly staff members at Travis Wilson Family Dentistry to discuss scheduling an appointment for a consultation.

Options to Resolve Missing Teeth

When it comes to resolving the problem of missing teeth, you have many options available to you. Your dentist in Owensboro, KY will help you to determine the best option for your dental condition, your preference and your budget. Here are some of the options that may be on the table.


If the thought of wearing dentures makes you worried, don’t be. The dentures that they make today are a far cry from the dentures your grandparents used. For one thing, today you can get a partial denture, which resolves having just one missing tooth. If you have more than one missing tooth, you can get a larger set of modern, attractive dentures, or choose a different option.

Dental Implant

Dental implants are the cutting edge of dental technology. These are permanent solutions to missing teeth that do require dental surgery to install. However, once you have a dental implant, chances are you’ll forget you ever had an issue with a missing tooth. Dental implants look and feel just like the real thing and rarely, if ever, need to be replaced.

Crowns and Bridges

In Owensboro, KY crowns and bridges are commonly used to fix the issue of missing teeth. If you have one missing tooth and two healthy ones on either side, a beautiful dental bridge could be just the thing to bring back your smile. This is also referred to as a fixed dental bridge, because it’s permanent and not removable. A crown is used to provide a “cap” for a tooth that is broken or missing from the surface of the gums. Crowns are tinted and shaped to look just like your natural teeth. Your dentist will let you know if one of these options might work for your situation.

Don’t worry about replacing a missing tooth, because your Owensboro, KY dentist has lots of possible solutions for you. Contact us today to learn more.


Straightening Your Smile: Are Traditional Braces or Invisible Aligners the Right Choice?

Are you tired of looking in the mirror and staring at your crooked teeth? Perhaps your child is showing signs that they could benefit from braces. Should you plan on using the traditional approach with metal braces or go with the new trend of invisible aligners for your treatment? Both types have their pros. Learn which one is right for you!

Benefits of Traditional Metal Braces

There are a number of reasons why you will still want to opt for a set of metal braces for your child or yourself. Metal braces are better suited for patients with a severely misaligned bite that may require extractions or extended orthodontic treatment. Since they adhere to your teeth, they cannot be removed or lost. In most cases, the treatment time is about the same as the aligners. It is easy to clean your teeth and braces since you use your traditional toothbrush and floss. With the right dental insurance, the cost of traditional braces may be fully covered. In general, they are more affordable compared to the aligners.

Benefits of Invisible Aligners

The biggest benefit associated with invisible aligners is that your smile is not hidden by the metal brackets since the trays are made out of clear polymer. There are no food restrictions as they can be removed while you are eating. They are easily cleaned using the recommended solution, eliminating bacteria and smells. They are well suited for patients with a minor misalignment that does not require any extractions or surgical treatments. You will need fewer visits to the orthodontist as you receive several aligners at one time that you can change out every two weeks.

Work with Dr. Travis Wilson to Make the Best Choice for Your Mouth

The best way to determine which orthodontic treatment will fit in better with your budget, lifestyle, and health is to make an appointment with Dr. Travis Wilson. Together you can decide if you will see better long-term results with metal braces or have the dedication required for the aligners. Whichever path that you select, you will receive support and advice throughout your treatment from your favorite Owensboro dentist.

Tooth Implantation Model

Options For Fixing Gaps in Your Teeth

If you have gaps between your teeth, you probably feel a bit self-conscious whenever you smile. However, you don’t have to feel this way forever. With numerous treatment options available for this problem, you could soon have the smile of your dreams. If you’re ready to learn more about having a gap-free smile, here are three options you can talk over with your dentist in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY.

Cosmetic Bonding

If you have one or more smaller gaps between your teeth, cosmetic bonding in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY may be the answer to your problem. Simple and cost-effective, most bonding procedures can be completed in only one visit. Using special conditioning gel and tooth-colored resin, your dentist can shape and polish the resin so that it matches your teeth, thus eliminating any gaps that may exist.

Dental Veneers

Using thin shells of porcelain, your dentist can create dental veneers in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY that are a bit wider than your actual teeth, then bond them to the front surface of your teeth to cover the gaps. Though usually more expensive than bonding and requiring two visits, veneers are very durable and can last as long as 15 years.

Dental Implants

Should you have large gaps between teeth due to tooth loss associated with gum disease, you may be a good candidate for dental implants in Owensboro and Beaver Dam, KY. A surgical procedure where titanium posts are inserted into your jawbone and then topped with crowns that look like natural teeth, this is an excellent way for many people to regain a great-looking smile.

If you have lived with gaps between your teeth for years but now long to get the smile you’ve always wanted, speak to your dentist in Beaver Dam and Owensboro, KY soon about these various treatment options.

Boy at the dentist consultation. Checking and dental treatment in a clinic.

Think You Have a Cracked Tooth? Signs, Symptoms and What to Do

A cracked tooth is no fun! For some people, a cracked tooth can be painful. For other people, a cracked tooth can lead to problems like tooth rot and even a root canal. If you suspect that you have a cracked tooth, it’s important to recognize the signs of a problem – and to do something about it! Here’s what you need to know.

Signs of a Cracked Tooth

You can crack a tooth when you bite down on something hard, but some people crack their teeth by biting down on soft, chewy things like bread. Some people develop cracks in their teeth because they grind their teeth at night.

If you have a cracked tooth, you may not notice any signs at all. However, if you do have a cracked tooth, you may notice some signs such as:

  • Swelling around the gum.
  • Excessive sensitivity to hot and cold.
  • Occasional pain that seems to have no origin.
  • Pain when biting and chewing.

What to Do If You Have a Cracked Tooth

If you have a cracked tooth, it’s important to see a dentist for a checkup. You don’t have to live with pain in your teeth – and you shouldn’t! If you don’t see the dentist about a cracked tooth, you could find yourself struggling with tooth decay or an infection that could lead to a root canal!

If you suspect that you’ve got a cracked tooth, make an appointment with your dentist in Owensboro KY today. Your dentist can examine your teeth, find the source of your problem, and make recommendations for repair.


Looking for Dental Implants? Don’t Let These Myths Hold You Back

Every year, millions of people seek the help of a cosmetic dentist to get dental implants. Those people walk away with newfound self-confidence and a more functional smile. However, myths may get in the way of you seeking out dental implants in Beaver Dam, KY for yourself.

Myth: Dental implants take months to get.

Dental implants can be one of the more time-consuming ways to restore your smile. Depending on the type of implants you get and how many, you may need several appointments until the process is complete. However, not every dental implant procedure involves months of wait time or time until you have a functional tooth. The healing process is what takes the longest.

Myth: Most patients are not good candidates for dental implants.

Actually, the majority of patients who seek dental implants in Beaver Dam are good candidates for the procedure. Very few issues will get in the way of a patient being a good candidate, such as uncontrolled blood sugar or high risks of infection.

Myth: Dental implants can cause arthritis in your jaws.

Once an implant is placed in your jawbone, the implant actually fuses with the bone and becomes almost like a natural part of your body. You may occasionally experience a bit of pain during the healing process, but implants are not likely to cause ongoing inflammation in the joints of your jaws.

Talk to a Beaver Dam Cosmetic Dentist About Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most effective modern ways to restore a smile. If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist in Beaver Dam, KY to help you rediscover your self-confidence, reach out to us at the office of Dr. Travis Wilson to schedule an appointment to discuss dental implants.

Your Child Lost a Permanent Tooth? What To Do

It can be scary when your child loses a permanent tooth, but as long as you act quickly and seek help from the dentist right away, you may be able to save the tooth. Here’s what you need to know.

Find the Tooth

Did the tooth get knocked out of your child’s mouth and fall on the floor? If so, you’ll have to find it right away. Look on the floor, in the surrounding furniture, and in and under objects in the room until you find it. When you do find the tooth, grab it by the enamel – the part of the tooth that’s normally visible in the mouth. Do not grab the tooth by the root.

Clean the Tooth

Clean the tooth either with saliva, milk or a saline solution. You can also clean the tooth in a bowl of tap water. Whatever you do to clean the tooth, do it gently without touching the root. Do not clean it for more than ten seconds.

Store the Tooth Safely

One of the things that you can do to store the tooth is to put it back in the gap in your child’s mouth, root-first so it fills the hole that it came out of. Have your child bite down on the tooth gently to hold it in place. If your child is too upset or too young to do this, then you’ll need to find another way to store the tooth. Place the tooth in a bowl of milk, a dish of your child’s saliva, or have your child hold the tooth in the pouch of their cheek if they’re old enough to do this safely.

Call the Dentist – and Come Quickly!

Call the dentist to let them know that you’re having a dental emergency. Your dentist will let you know if they can service your child at this time.

At Travis Wilson DMD, we can help your child maintain healthy teeth. We provide a range of services including tooth cleaning and check ups. To find out more about how we can help your child take care of their teeth, call us today to make an appointment.