What You Should Never Do with a Knocked-Out Tooth (and what to do instead)

Most people, when they knock out a tooth, they immediately put it in water. But that’s the worst thing you can do. You need to get to a dentist in Beaver Dam, KY, right away! But between the time you knock out your tooth and the time you get to the emergency dentist, here’s what you need to do.

What You Must Never Do with a Knocked-Out Tooth

You must never put a knocked-out tooth in water! Doing so could kill the cells and cause the tooth’s roots to burst. And this can happen within just a few minutes.

Keep reading to find out what you should do instead.

What to Do Immediately After Knocking Out a Tooth

If you knock out a tooth, try to put it back into its socket. This isn’t always possible. But go ahead and do that if you can. Putting it back in the socket is the best option for preserving your tooth until you can drive to the dentist.

If it won’t go back into its socket, the next best thing to do is put it in milk. Any milk will do (whole, skim, almond, coconut). Milk has enzymes in it that will kill the bacteria and protect your tooth’s roots.

Then, you need to get to an emergency dentist right away. If you get to a dentist within an hour, there’s a good chance they will be able to save your tooth. Time is of the essence! The longer you wait, the less chance there will be to save your tooth.

Are You Looking for an Exceptional Dentist in Beaver Dam, KY?

Finding an exceptional dentist who takes the time to get to know you and understand your specific dental needs can be challenging. That’s why we want to introduce you to our practice. Please Contact Travis Wilson D.M.D., today. We would love to show you why our team is exceptional!

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