teething baby

4 Reasons to Wean Your Child Off Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is so common with babies and young children that some babies actually suck their thumbs in utero! It’s believed to be a self-soothing mechanism that most children naturally outgrow. But some children continue to suck their thumbs well into their toddler years and beyond. This can be problematic as far as dental health goes, and it may be to your child’s benefit to wean them off this habit gently. Here are some reasons to do so, according to yourdentist in Owensboro, KY.

1. Avoid Speech Problems

When a child has their thumb in their mouth all the time, they often talk “around” the thumb. This can lead to misuse of the tongue in speech, such as a lisp. Over time, after the thumb-sucking ceases, the speech problem may correct itself. But it may have caused unnecessary development issues while it was happening.

2. Prevent Dental Problems

Prolonged thumb sucking can cause misalignment of the teeth, leading to an open bite, where the upper and lower teeth don’t meet properly. This can affect your child’s ability to chew and speak clearly and could lead to the need for braces later on in life.

3. Avoid Health Problems

Children’s hands and fingers are notoriously germy. You certainly wouldn’t want your child to introduce germs into their mouth on purpose. But that’s exactly what happens when your child sucks their thumb after touching this and that throughout the day.

4. Improve Social Interaction

It’s difficult for your child to maximize opportunities to engage socially with other children when they are always sucking on their thumb. Breaking this habit gently could lead to the development of a healthier social life for years to come.

Contact yourOwensboro, KY dentist today for help maintaining your child’s oral health. We look forward to seeing you!

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